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Catalog, Cleo Hartwig Solo Show, Clay Club,
(All exhibits are Group Shows except where otherwise noted)
1930-- Art Institute of Chicago 1938-- National Academy of Design 1938-- Grand Central Palace, NYC 1939-- Mercury Gallery, NYC 1940-- Clay Club, NYC (Animal Show) 1940-- Mt. Holyoke College, MA 1940-- Clay Club, NYC (Sculpture in Stone) 1940-41-- Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts (Ceramics show) 1941-- National Academy of Design 1941-- Clay Club, NYC 1942-- National Academy of Design 1942-- Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC ("Artists for Victory") 1943-- Clay Club, NYC (SOLO SHOW) 1944-- National Academy of Design 1945-- Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 1945-- National Association of Women Artists 1945-- Audubon Artists 1945-- New York Society of Ceramic Artists (Argent Gallery) 1945-- National Academy of Design 1946-- Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 1946-- National Association of Women Artists 1946-- New York Society of Women Artists (NAD) 1946-- New York Society of Ceramic Artists (Argent Gallery) 1946-- Audubon Artists 1947-- National Academy of Design 1947-- Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 1947-- New York Society of Ceramic Artists (Argent Gallery) 1947-- National Association of Women Artists 1947-- Clay Club, NYC (SOLO SHOW) 1947-- Montclair Art Museum 1947-- New York Society of Women Artists (Riverside Museum) 1947-- Audubon Artists 1948-- Sculptors Guild 1948-- Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 1948-- National Academy of Design 1948-- National Association of Women Artists 1948-- Clay Club, NYC (3 PERSON SHOW) 1948-- National Association of Women Artists 1948-- New York Society of Women Artists (DeMotte Gallery) 1948-- Audubon Artists 1949-- Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 1949-- National Academy of Design 1949-- National Association of Women Artists 1950-- Sculptors Guild 1950-- Audubon Artists 1950-- National Association of Women Artists 1950-- Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 1951-- Sculptors Guild (American Museum of Natural History) 1951-- National Academy of Design 1950-51-- Sculpture Center, NYC ("46 Sculptors") 1952-- Sculpture Center, NYC (3 PERSON SHOW) 1952-- Sculptors Guild (American Museum of Natural History) 1952-- Sculpture Center, NYC 1953-- Sculptors Guild (American Museum of Natural History) 1953-- Sculpture Center, NYC 1954-- Sculptors Guild (American Museum of Natural History) 1955-- Sculptors Guild 1956-- Sculptors Guild (Architectural League) 1957-- Sculptors Guild (Roosevelt Shopping Mall) 1958-- Sculptors Guild (Beechwood, Scarborough-on-Hudson) 1959-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1960-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1961-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1962-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1963-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1964-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1964-- NY World's Fair ("American Art Today") 1965-- Southern Vermont Art Center 1965-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1966-- Souther Vermont Art Center 1966-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1967-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1968-- National Arts Club, NYC 1968-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1968-- Sculptors Guild, "Salute to New York" 1969-- Sculptors Guild (3 PERSON SHOW) 1969-- Bryant Park, NYC (outdoor show) 1970-- Museum of Art, University of Connecticut 1970-- Bronx Zoo 1970-- Southern Vermont Art Center 1971-- Kraushaar Galleries 1971-- Sculpture Center 1971-- Montclair Art Museum 1971-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1972-- Sculpture Center 1972-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1972-- Sculpture Center (2 PERSON SHOW) 1972-73-- Sculpture Center 1973-- U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Dev. (NCA Program) 1973-- Sculpture Center 1973-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1974-- Sculpture Center 1974-- National Sculpture Society (41st Annual) 1974-- National Sculpture Society ("The Nude") 1974-- Squibb Gallery 1974-- Sculpture Center 1974-- Fairfield University (2 PERSON SHOW) 1975-- Sculpture Center 1975-- Grand Central Art Galleries 1975-- National Sculpture Society 1975-- Doll and Richards (Boston, MA) 1975-- National Association of Women Artists 1976-- Sculpture Center 1976-- Society of Aniimal Artists 1976-- Locust Valley Art Show 1976-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1977-- National Association of Women Artists 1977-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1977-- Sculptors Guild (General Electric Gallery, CT) 1978-- National Arts Club 1978-- Sculpture Center 1978-- National Association of Women Artists 1979-- National Academy of Design 1979-- National Association of Women Artists 1979-- Society of Animal Artists (Sportmen's Edge) 1979-- Society of Animal Artists (Salmagundi Club) 1979-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1980-- Newark Museum 1980-- Sculpture Center 1980-- Audubon Artists 1980-- Society of Animal Artists 1980-- Sculptors Guild/Sculpture Center 1980-- National Association of Women Artists 1980-- Society of Animal Artists 1981-- The Nature Conservancy (Colorado) 1981-- National Academy of Design 1981-- Audubon Artists 1981-- National Association of Women Artists (NYC) 1981-- National Association of Women Artists (touring Israel) 1981-- New York Botanical Garden 1981-- Society of Animal Artists (Adler) 1981-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1981-- Sculpture Center (SOLO SHOW) 1981-- Museum Gallery (White Plains, NY) 1982-- National Association of Women Artists 1982-- Society of Animal Artists (Philadelphia) 1982-- Audubon Artists 1982-- The Pen and Brush, Inc. 1982-- Denver Museum of Natural History 1983-- King Gallery 1983-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1983-- The Nature Conservancy (Colorado) 1983-- National Association of Women Artists 1983-- Cincinnati Zoo 1983-- Sportsmen's Edge 1983-- National Academy of Design 1983-- Society of Animal Artists 1983-- National Association of Women Artists 1984-- Music Mountain (Connecticut) 1984-- Society of Animal Artists 1984-- National Sculpture Society 1984-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1985-- National Sculpture Society 1985-- National Academy of Design 1985-- Audubon Artists 1985-- National Sculpture Society 1986-- National Academy of Design 1986-- Audubon Artists (44th Annual) 1986-- Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art 1986-- National Association of Women Artists 1986-- National Sculpture Society 1986-- Audubon Artists ("The 4 Arts") 1986-- Rockwell Kent Gallery, SUNY, Plattsburgh (SOLO SHOW) 1986-- Union Square Artists Studio Exhibit 1986-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1986-- Harmon Meek, Florida 1987-- Harmon Meek, Florida (SOLO SHOW) 1987-- National Academy of Design 1987-- National Association of Women Artists 1987-- Philadelphia Art Alliance 1987-- Audubon Artists 1987-- Sculptors Guild, Lever House, NYC 1988-- National Academy of Design 1988-- Audubon Artists ("The 4 Arts") 1988-- National Association of Women Artists 1989-- Audubon Artists 1990-- Hofstra Museum (exhibit dedicated to Cleo Hartwig) 1990-- Harmon Meek 1995-- Erie Art Museum 1995-- Los Angeles County Museum of Art |
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