Cleo Hartwig

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Cleo Hartwig receiving an Honorary Doctorate
from Western Michigan University, 1973


Hon. DFA, 1973, Western Michigan University

Hon. MA, 1951 Western Michigan University

AB, 1932, Western Michigan College


New School for Social Research: stone carving
with Jose de Creeft, 1937-38

Clay Club Sculpture Center (NYC), Evening sessions
in modeling, casting, carving, 1938-44

Summer Studies: Art Institute of Chicago (Summer
School, 1930 and 1931); Adirondacks, 1932 and 1933;
Summer Art Program (Poland, Hungary, Roumania, 1935),
International School of Art; Independent travel and study:
Germany, summer 1935; France, Summer 1939;
Mexico, Summer 1941.