Cleo Hartwig

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Cleo Hartwig with her husband, Vincent Glinsky,
and son, Albert Glinsky (from Herald Tribune article--10/18/60)

Jan. 1943
June-July 1943
April 12, 1943
May 13, 1943
May 15, 1943
June-July 1943
Nov. 21, 1943
May 1, 1945
Sept. 13, 1945
Oct. 1, 1945
April 21, 1946
Feb. 27, 1947
March 1947
March 1, 1947
May 15, 1948
Dec. 1, 1948
Dec. 6, 1948
March 6, 1949
May 28, 1949
July 3, 1949
May 1951
March 1, 1953
May 9, 1954
July 3, 1955
July 21, 1955
Summer 1958
Oct. 18, 1960
January 10, 1963
April 1963
Oct. 31, 1963
July 2, 1964
Fall 1964
July 8, 1966
Winter 1966-67
May 11, 1967
Fall 1967
Nov. 5, 1967
April 1968
Summer 1968
Fall 1968
Summer 1969
Fall 1969
March 1, 1970
May 14, 1970
Summer 1970
Sept. 17, 1970
Sept. 17, 1970
Nov. 29, 1970
March 21, 1971
April 1, 1971
April 22, 1971
Summer 1971
Nov. 11, 1971
Jan. 1972
March 30, 1972
May 18, 1972
June 1972
Dec. 7, 1972
Jan. 1973
Feb. 1973
March 17, 1973
March 6, 1974
May 2, 1974
May 5, 1974
Summer 1974
June 6 ,1974
June 16, 1974
April 3, 1974
Winter 1975-76
January 1976
March 1976
June 10, 1976
March 1977
Summer 1978
Fall 1978
Summer 1978
Fall 1979
March 5, 1980
March 5, 1980
Summer 1980
October 1980
May 7, 1981
June 12-18, 1981
November 1981
November 1981
November 15, 1981
November 15, 1981
November 20, 1981
Spring 1982
April 15, 1982
April 15, 1982
May 6, 1982
May 30, 1982
May-June 1982
October 31, 1982
March 1984
April 1984
July 5, 1984
August 9, 1984
Winter 1984-85
April 1985
June 1985
Oct. 9, 1986
Oct. 17, 1986
Nov. 20, 1986
January 27, 1987
Spring 1987
March 1987
April 14, 1987
April 14, 1987
October 1987
1987, Third quarter
November 1987
June 1988
June 1988
Fall 1988
October 1988
March 30, 1995
The Art News
The Art News
Life Magazine
The Villager
The Art Digest
The Art News
Detroit News
The Art Digest
The Villager
The Art Digest
The New York Times
The Villager
The Art News
Art Digest
The Art Digest
The Art Digest
Christian Science Monitor
Sunday World-Herald (NE)
Philadelphia Inquirer
Montclair Times (NJ)
The Art Digest
NY Herald Tribune
NY Herald Tribune Book Review
The Villager
National Sculpture Review
NY Herald Tribune
The Villager
Today's Art
The Villager
The Villager
National Sculpture Review
Dalton News & Citizen
National Sculpture Review
The Villager
National Sculpture Review
New York Times Book Review
Park East
American Artist Magazine
National Sculpture Review
National Sculpture Review
Nationald Sculpture Review
Today's Art
Park East
National Sculpture Review
Park East
Franco-Amerique: Le Courrier
Newark Sunday News
The Villager
Today's Art
Monclair Times
National Sculpture Review
Park East
Art Student's League Newsletter (NY)
Park East
Park East
FM Guide
Park East
Art News
Pictures on Exhibit (magazine)
The Host
The Host
Mercer County Messenger
Sunday Times Advertiser (Trenton, NJ)
National Sculpture Review
New Haven Register
New Haven Register
Park East
National Sculpture Review
Today's Art
Park East
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Park East
National Sculpture Review
National Sculpture Review
National Sculpture Review
National Sculpture Review
The New York Times
New York Daily News
National Sculpture Review
Park East
The New York Times
Metropolitan Almanac
Park East
Art Now/New York Gallery Guide
The New York Times
White Plains Reporter Dispatch
White Plains Reporter Dispatch
National Sculpture Review
The Villager
Rocky Mountain News (CO)
Rocky Mountain News (CO)
Denver Post
Denver Post
Hazleton Standard Speaker
Park East
Northwest (CT)
Lakeville Monitor and Millerton News
National Sculpture Review
Park East
Artists Equity Association Newsletter
Press-Republican (Plattsburgh, NY)
Naples Daily News
Naples Times/Week
Park East
Antiques and the Arts Weekly
Asbury Park Press (NJ)
National Sculpture Review
Spectrum (FL)
New York Times
National Sculpture Review
The Guild Reporter
Erie Times News (PA)
Bear Cub
Bear Cub
Bear Cub
Cleo Hartwig; Carvings
Mandolin Player
Reclining Woman
Toward a Sculpture Center
untitled ("Joyce")
Home Forum
Cle Hartwig Given Award
Surveys of Today's Art
Art and Artists: Rodin Rediscovered
Sculptors Guild Show on View in Empty Lot
Village Sculptors in 17th Annual
p. 10
Sculptors Guild Exhibiting 70 Works
Sculptors Guild at Lever House
COVER of magazine
Sculptors Guild Exhibit at Lever House
Local Art: At the Fair
Faces and Figures
Hartwig Sculpture Exhibit Opens
Sculpture for the Garden
Happening in Art
If I had a Garden...
Cat Tales...
Audubon Artists
The Compatibles: Sculptors Hartwig & Glinsky
Interpreting the Human Figure
The Sculptor and Vanishing Wildlife
Male and Female Figures
Sculpture for Home or Garden
Sculpture Society
Animals, Animal Sculpture, and Animal Sculptors
Art and Artists
La Societe des Animaliers
Gentle Lady Sculptor
Sculpture Society Exhibition
Sculptors Guild Annual
Sculpture works of Cleo Hartwig
Mood and Motion
Art and Artists; Sculptors Guild
Society of Animal Artists 12th Annual Exhibition
Art and Artists; Sculpture Exhibition
Art and Artists; Women Artists
Opus Artists
Art and Artists; Glinsky and Hartwig
Vincent Glinsky and Cleo Hartwig
Art Safari at the Biltmore
This Week in New York
Sculpture Exhibit
Work of 20 Sculptors on Exhibit
From the Mountains of Vermont
Connecticut Women Artists Will Open Exhibit
At the Galleries
Art and Artists; Sculpture Exhibition
American Women Sculptors
Cleo Hartwig Wins Today's Art Medal
National Academy
Cleo Hartwig, Vincent Glinsky
Art and Artists; Women Artists
Vita Brevis... Ars Longa
A Portrait is an Interpretaton
National Academy of Design: 154th Annual
Gallery Bows Out with Quality Exhibit
Another Language
Gallery Gives Blind a Feeling for Fine Art
Timeless Imprints
Art and Artists; Sculptors Guild
Sculpture to Grace a Garden is Shown
Sculpture Talk by Cleo Hartwig
Art and Artists; Cleo Hartwig
Sculpture Center
Westchester/This Week
Area Alive with Art
Wildlife Captured in Sculpture Exhibit
The Challenge of Space
Short Takes; Village Artists Receive Awards
Sculpture Workshop
Boulder Artist Wins Sculpture Award
Lovely to Grotesque, Sculptures Run Gamut
Zuniga, Hartwig, Assemble 66-Piece Show
It's a Menagerie of Wee Beasties
Art league juror named
Women Artists
Stimulating Both Eye and Ear
NSS Reliefs and Medals Exhibition
Art and Artists; NAWA Annual
Bearden Honored at NY/AEA Spring Luncheon
The Arts: PSUC three times rich in bronzes
Artists Show in their own Studios
Arts Flourish at Harmon-Meek Gallery
Sculptor celebrates 75th birthday
With Tongue in Cheek
Art and Artists; Women Artists Annual
Art Alliance shows Sculpture of Home and Hearth
Women Artists Plan 1st Show in Monmouth area
At the Audubon Artists
Cleo Hartwig, 80, Dies of Cancer; Her Sculpture Featured Animals
Cleo Hartwig, Noted for Sculpture
Cleo Hartwig, An Appreciation
A Tribute to Cleo Hartwig
Sculpture that's Sensuous

Cleo Hartwig

Home Nature Forms Animals Abstractions Human Figure Bio Contact Omnidisc